welcome to my thoughts and feelings…
and another set of beginnings
the lights reflect wonderfully tonight. i got to visit some nice memories from my past, as another week rounds off well. in keeping with my reflections as with each turning of a season, i have been deliberating much in myself, reorganising my methods of living and work, and creating much. i have seen some good…
years now. it’s beginning to become a sizeable amount of time, and yet still so little when compared. i haven’t much new to say that i haven’t already been echoing around my mind of late, and i certainly didn’t find as grand celebration as last year. it wasn’t needed. the day was enjoyed, and ended…
look! a synth i made
during the last year of my degree, we did some cool sound design study. if you happen to have the plugin ‘reaktor’ by native instruments, then you can load in an ensemble i made for a cool multi-oscillator FM / granular synthesiser i made, in a lovely lilac colour!! there’s a good few presets built…
3 days
until my birthday. that’s always such a strange time in my life, i never know exactly quite to feel. expectations kill, and i don’t much feel the need for something big this year – thankfully, kaleb showed me that last year, and it was all i could have ever asked for. now i simply want…
and so it keeps on turning i feel like i’m taking in so much these days. it’s good to learn, as i seek to release the energy back into the next ideas. lots and lots of ideas. it’s always good to go back and ask how is the best way to approach something’s foundation. everyone…