i make sounds and things.

It can be hard TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF THINGS. today especially, I FEEL LIKE we SPEND our WHOLE LIves TRYING to not get DISTRACTED, or BE PUSHED AROUND BY nonsense LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE. music helps ground me. it gives me clarity. by decorating time with our stories, feelings, the texture life has, we experience the moment much more openly.

so i produce, write and sing my way through things, and dabble in any form of expression i can find. slowly it seems to have gotten to be something quite pleasant.

this website is a portfolio of all i try to make, with links elsewhere to more music and things.


here’s what i worked on most recently

i recorded this song quite a while ago, during some difficult times in university. it helped me explore the weaknesses that come through neglecting oneself in the madness of trying to get so much done, a soundtrack to try and take it easier by now.

and also to stream it on other platforms click here!

and here’s a music video for it
some thoughts and reflections over my old favourite piano

attention is your scarcest resource. and the most vital.

there is a decision always made within you, between the halves of you. it’s important to guide your attention toward that which enriches you.

and so i shall keep on working. there will be something much more substantial for you to enjoy soon.

here’s a mailing list, if u want to hear about things

there’s be some cool stuff, trust me

feel free to peruse here as long as you need

and think, what do you need today?

thoughts and updates lately

  • and another set of beginnings

    and another set of beginnings

    the lights reflect wonderfully tonight. i got to visit some nice memories from my past, as another week rounds off well. in keeping with my reflections as with each turning of a season, i have been deliberating much in myself, reorganising my methods of living and work, and creating much. i have seen some good…

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  • 22


    years now. it’s beginning to become a sizeable amount of time, and yet still so little when compared. i haven’t much new to say that i haven’t already been echoing around my mind of late, and i certainly didn’t find as grand celebration as last year. it wasn’t needed. the day was enjoyed, and ended…

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  • look! a synth i made

    look! a synth i made

    during the last year of my degree, we did some cool sound design study. if you happen to have the plugin ‘reaktor’ by native instruments, then you can load in an ensemble i made for a cool multi-oscillator FM / granular synthesiser i made, in a lovely lilac colour!! there’s a good few presets built…

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  • 3 days

    3 days

    until my birthday. that’s always such a strange time in my life, i never know exactly quite to feel. expectations kill, and i don’t much feel the need for something big this year – thankfully, kaleb showed me that last year, and it was all i could have ever asked for. now i simply want…

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